ZIP Co. Ltd will help you to understand the nuances of the law and the specifics of foreign economic activity. We can be your purchasing department and logistics outsourcing department, providing the quality and high professionalism of rendered services. You pass all issues on the organization of international freight traffic to the professionals who have years of working experience with all types of transportation, customs, certification and licensing agencies.
We offer the services of customs processing of cargo at the ports Vostochny and Vladivostok, as well as at land border crossings between China and Russia. We provide a full range of services, relieving the customer from the independent work in foreign economic activity. | ![]() |
Custom services of ZIP Co. Ltd include:
• consultation in the field of customs legislation, calculation of fees;
• drawingforeign economic contracts;
• procedures for temporary import / export;
• preparation of customs declarations, registration of transactions passports, design ofdocuments package;
• submission of documents to the customs authorities and customs processing control;
• customs representative services (customs broker)
• contract holder service: a set of measures for the goods import on your behalf in our name / signing contract instead of you. We acquire goods abroad and pass it to you in Russia with all the necessary documents, paying the fees for customs clearance, import (import) duty and VAT all by ourselves. You are free from dealing with customs authorities and making payments for goods in foreign currency, entering into foreign exchange contracts and registering as a trader;
• cargo placementat customs warehouses;
• subsequent delivery of goods to any destination in Russia and the CIS by car, air, rail and sea transportation
Complex customs service, advice and assistance in the preparation of necessary documents:
• selection of FEACN;
• import and export operations;
• preparation of the necessary documents for the cargo customs declaration (CCD);
• preliminary calculation of the customs value of goods and the size of the customs fee on the goods;
• customs processing of goods and equipment at customs terminals;
• optimization of procedures for customs clearance of cargo, including cargo with strict requirements for storage and transportation of hazardous, heavy, cumbersome, lengthy and oversize cargo;
• advice on all matters related to foreign trade and customs legislation of Russia;
• obtainingnecessary documents for the certification;
• goods declaration and storage in temporary warehouse;
• solution of all issues.
This package allows the customer to know the final goods cost before the shipment. We guarantee thepre-fixed price for the entire period of the organization of goods delivery.
Reducing the delay time at TSW
The goods often delays in temporary storage warehouse (customs TSW) during the customs clearance for the following reasons: untimely preparation of documents, errors in the documents, the weak competence of representative in the clearance of a particular type of goods, congestion of customs terminaland so on. We offer our services to you as a customs representative (broker), based on many years of working experience with the customs authorities at the ports of Vladivostok andVostochny, as well as experience of the electronic declaration.